mercredi 19 août 2015

How to cure your child’s addiction to the Net yourself ?

Most internet addiction therapies use time management techniques to help internet addicts develop alternative activities that take them away from the computer such as spending more time with their families, engaging in hobbies, or exercising. 
Corrective strategies include content-control software which uses time control functions that allow parents to set the amount of time during which their children can surf the net, play computer games or do other computer activities.  The cognitive behavioral therapy is another technique which acknowledges that some behaviors cannot be controlled through rational thought, but they rather come forth through prior conditioning from the environment and other external or internal stimuli. Besides, most psychologists agree that, for Internet overuse, controlled use is a more practical goal than total abstinence. In fact, what makes the internet so addictive is the lack of limits and the absence of accountability. Therefore, parents can play a major role in curing their children or even preventing Internet overuse by teaching kids rules of good time managements at an early age. Giving children the opportunity to decide with parents about the weekend schedule is another way that might motivate them and help them stay away of their computers. If children get used to enjoy outdoors means of entertainment such as exercising or playing team games, visiting museums and art galleries, going to funfairs, attending plays of theatre or circus performances, they will find a bigger choice of leisure time activities to fill their schedule with. Besides, they will grow up as active and responsible people who refuse to spend several days on non-essential computer use.

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