mardi 18 août 2015

Positive discipline is the appropriate alternative to kids' misbehaving

Corporal punishment at school leads to life long psychological damage such as depression, inhibition, rigidity, anxiety and suicidal behavior. It also leads to the loss of interest in learning, school absenteeism and dropping out of school.

Corporal punishment may result in cruelty and violence in and out of school. In deed, a significant number of criminals proved to be among people who were regressed or physically punished when they were children.
Children who experienced corporal punishment regularly have slow or interrupted cognitive and emotional development. They lack self - confidence and usually feel ashamed of themselves because they were submitted to regular humiliation. Their school results suffer and their ability to form healthy relationships can be affected.
Besides, corporal punishment has never helped children learn what was wrong with their behavior.
Many teachers and parents think that educating is all about controlling children and making them comply with their wishes and forget about its main goal of guiding children on how to behave and learn from their mistakes.
More and more countries are introducing legislation to protect children from corporal punishment. "Positive discipline is the best alternative to respond to the misbehaving of children at home and at school," claim the psychologists.
To adopt this workable alternative at school we have to ask some questions in order to understand why children behave as they do.
1 - Do children feel emotionally and physically secure at school?
2 - Do they feel respected by their teachers and peers?
3 - Do they have a sense of belonging to the group they find themselves a part of?
Most misbehaving pupils feel they are not accepted in their class so they try to fill their emotional and psychological needs by acting in a way we call "misbehavior".
If teachers try to understand the pupils' behavior they'll be able to find and create new ways to guide them which will benefit everyone in class. They'll exchange making pupils experience humiliation with making them consider the effects of their behavior and identify an alternative one.
Positive discipline does not reward children for poor behavior but it gives them an opportunity to act as individuals who understand their mistakes and appreciate appropriate behavior that makes them feel accepted and valued as members of their community.
It consists of helping them develop self - discipline by providing them with mentoring, clear guidelines and ongoing support that ranges from words and hugs to gifts and rewards.
Corporal punishment humiliates children and insults their right to physical integrity.It may lead them to terrorism. Positive discipline is the appropriate alternative to kids' misbehaving. It gives them the opportunity to appreciate appropriate behavior and learn from their mistakes. It also encourages self-discipline and self-confidence.

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